It is a simple idea to be curious about your life. To explore the potential you have to live the way you want. It then takes courage to take action and to live the way you design it, especially if you need to transition from the person you are now to the person you want to be. Yet it is through adventure that we know our true selves and grow. I believe this cycle goes on, the more adventurous we are the more curious we become and the more courageous we need to be.
Welcome to My Fit Life Coaching – As a coach I support your personal journey when you are ready to take control of your life and fully experience the freedom and enjoyment of living fit and feeling great. To find the time to do what you really want and connect to the life you dream of.
It is absolutely true that you have all the resources within you, you just need a little help to find them.
Join me in my community where ‘Loving Life and Feeling Great’ is a top priority >>
WIN! A ‘Breakthrough Session’ with Nicky Harverson from My Fit Life Coaching. This session is great to take in the New Year as it will help you get clarity on your 2018 goals. Whether that is looking to improve your fitness, take on a new challenge or find more time to put life in your days.
“A breakthrough session enables you to work with me for 90 minutes on any topic of your choosing. In this time you gain clarity over your goal and develop next steps plan to help you stay focused.
This works as a standalone session to understand your motivation and commitment to your goal and provide you with some bespoke strategies to maintain the discipline needed to stay focused.
With clarity comes confidence and the ability to achieve anything you dream about.’
Don’t forget to share this competition with a photo of the Maximise Women’s Business Magazine on social media tagging @wombizclub and tell us why you would like to win this amazing experience.