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Women's Business News

Empowering women to succeed in business

Personal branding – your image is part of your brand!

ByWomen's Business Club

Sep 7, 2018

Is your image recognisable?  Have you spent a bit of money on a great photographer to get a really good photo that you use on your LinkedIn profile, on your business cards and on any other social media feeds you use?  If it’s a stretch at the moment – find a friend who takes good photos, but if you can invest the time and money, professional photos will make you look great, and feel confident when someone recognises you at an event because they remember your profile – especially if they’ve seen it multiple times on your LinkedIn profile, facebook, webpage, twitter….. They feel like they know you before you’ve physically met – how good is that!

A professional photographer is the best way to get expert advice on how to capture your best possible personal image. From advice on all items from the best angles and lighting to the perfect background, hiring a specialist will only give your branding a boost! Your professional image is your business persona – the face you project to the outside world, so it’s essential that you get it right from the get-go.

Personal branding – your image is part of your brand – so make it work for you!  Tweet This!

There are some easy guidelines for profile photos

  • No pets – unless that is your business – but even then your clients are connecting with you – not your dog/cat/horse.
  • No party photos – you want to project a professional image – even if your profession is an Events Organiser – you at a festival/party with a glass of wine is not how you are generally going to meet clients
  • And also avoid group photos – how do we know which one is you? – Oh and please don’t crop yourself from a group photo – it’s just a bad look!
  • No wedding photos – if you are a plumber then a photo of you looking very smart in a suit/dress might be a great photo – but it’s not what you will look like when you meet clients.
  • Head and shoulders shot with a plain background is ideal – LinkedIn will crop to your face only, but a good head and shoulders shot will work on all your marketing material. Head only will be too close, and a shot from further away will not be clear enough.
  • SMILE!
  • You don’t have to wear a suit – if you work in a creative industry let that shine through. Think about how you would normally meet a prospective client and show them that on your photo. That way they will know what to expect, which puts them at ease when they do meet you.
  • I have seen a number of very good caricatures – and if you are an animator that links to you profession so that is cool, but for those of us not gifted in that way – a great photo is way better.

Get it sorted and use the same image for all your social media, build your personal brand and get ready for that little buzz of excitement when someone greets you like a friend at a networking event because they have seen you on social media and recognise you.

By Women's Business Club

Women's Business Club empowers women to succeed in business through awards, conferences, business support membership, and news. Find out more at www.womensbusiness.club or send your press release [email protected]. Articles and adverts are chargeable, see media pack at www.womensbusiness.club/media-pack