Handling the Media – Rana Nejem
Rana Nejem – Handling the Media
The media today has a huge and immediate influence on how you, your company, and even your country are perceived. Breakthroughs in technology have made it possible to reach more and more people; and for more and more people to publicise their own opinions. News can be reported across the globe within seconds of any announcement or event, with limited opportunity to pardon any inaccuracies. These massive changes in the speed and reach of communications, coupled with an unprecedented rise in people’s expectations, have created extraordinary demands on communicators today.
In Rana’s talk you will learn:
- How to align your objectives with the needs of the journalist
- How to prepare for a media interview
- How to take control during the interview
About Rana
Author and Social & Cultural Intelligence coach, Rana Nejem started out her career as a broadcast journalist with Jordan Television. After working with CNN during the First Gulf War, she moved to the Royal Hashemite Court where she was responsible for His Majesty the late King Hussein’s International Media Department for 2 years. Rana then moved into the field of communications and public relations leading the public diplomacy and communications work of the British Embassy in Amman for 18 years. Rana founded her own company in 2013 – Yarnu – an Arabic word meaning to look towards, to aspire to with calm and serenity.