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Stop Running to the Well POWER HOUR

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Stop Running to the Well POWER HOUR


How to stop running to the well to get new clients. Forever.

Building a business is about providing value other people are willing to pay for. That’s what we strive for. We spend time developing a product or service, creating a marketing strategy, making sales, taking care of customers and generating repeat business—sounds simple, right? Not if you’re building it alone.

As a businesswoman with goals to make it big there comes a point in your journey when you find you’ve more ideas than daylight hours to make them work.

Then what do you do?

Well, you don’t keep running to the well.

You automate.

You build systems and processes that take the strain off your mind, body and purse. Now you can grow your business without trying to invest more hours than is womanly possible. Even for a high-flier like you.

Join Angela with her once off high value masterclass.

In this masterclass you will learn how to:

  • Create awareness of your product or service
  • Attract unlimited leads
  • Prospect those leads for you
  • Convert quality leads into clients
  • Turn clients into repeat buyers
  • Max your profits with an inbuilt referral system, plus more

About Angela De Souza

Angela’s passion is to help people unleash their potential and the potential that lies within their business. One of the ways she does this is through Metacognition, a methodology that sets true thought leaders apart from everyone else. The ability to master one’s mind is one of the most basic, yet most powerful, skills to develop and those who do so will find it easier to get through rough patches, catapult ahead of competitors, think outside the box and generally find more creative solutions in business and life.

A regular speaker across the UK, Angela speaks to various audiences in businesses, churches as well as to individuals about their development and growth.

Angela is keen to ensure that all businesses and business owner’s mental well-being is taken care of so they can also improve their relationship with those around them and whom they lead, as they are able to assess their thought processes and reframe the way they think to adapt to new situations.

Angela De Souza is on a mission to unlock the potential that exists within each and every person thereby impacting every sphere of their life. She is a prolific writer, author of many books with several more in progress. Each book is written in plain English by offering a no-nonsense approach to business and life. The words go from the page to the stage as Angela shares her message as a motivational speaker, trainer and the founder of the national business support network, Women’s Business Club.