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Women's Business News

Empowering women to succeed in business

I know you’ve been waiting to hear about the Yeovil guest speaker for our Tribe Night launch and I am absolutely delighted to announce her right here!

Meet Natalie Trice!

Natalie Trice – PR School

Natalie Trice is a PR Trainer, Coach and Consultant Visiting Lecturer at University of Plymouth, and PR Mentor at Westminster University who  is based in Devon. From CEO’s of international TV channels and Finance Directors of IT companies, to entrepreneurs at the forefront of their industry and ambitious start-ups, Natalie has worked with them all.

Today, as well as retained clients, Natalie teaches people around the world the fundamentals of PR and gives them the skills and confidence to go out and talk to the media. With her ideas, contacts and cheerleading approach, her clients secure the column inches and airwaves that help them to stand out from the crowd, and shine.

Cast Life – A Parent’s Guide to DDH was Natalie’s first book and sits alongside her charity, DDH UK, which supports thousands of people around the world dealing with hip dysplasia, a condition one of her sons has been treated for over the past decade.

During her session, Natalie will talk about how being visible right now can be so helpful. PR is a powerful tool and while you don’t have to be saying “Look At Me”, it can help keep you in the limelight and be seen as part of the conversation. We will look at PR is, and what it isn’t, how you can be your own media maker and why now isn’t the time to hide in the shadows, it’s time to shine!

I know I’m really excited to hear everything Natalie has to share about how we can develop our PR skills and expand our reach.

Make sure to head over to Eventbrite to book your tickets here 

And check out Natalie’s fantastic service over on her website

I’m really looking forward to meeting you all, and I’m even more excited for Natalie to share some amazing skills with us! Don’t miss it!

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