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How are Women Protected Under the Equal Pay Act?

ByWomen's Business Club

Dec 26, 2020

Even though the Equal Pay Act is over 50 years old, some women still face discrimination in the workplace, especially when it comes to equal pay and benefits. Women who understand the legal obligation of their company will have more confidence in getting the equal pay they deserve, and companies who understand their obligation to their employees will attract higher quality employees and keep out of legal trouble.


Equal Pay

A female worker may be paid less than a male counterpart for the same work in some places. She is entitled to equal pay matching any male colleague, as long as some criteria are met. Equal pay is required if she is employed in the same position or a position of relative similarity.

The work the two employees are performing must be deemed broadly similar in nature and of about the equivalent amount of work. They must also be providing about the same value to the company in their positions. The positions also must require a similar amount of physical and emotional effort as well as similar skill-levels and responsibilities.


Other Benefits

While the access to equal pay may be self-explanatory, some women may not realize that their rights to other company benefits are also protected under the Equal Pay Act. Holiday pay, overtime pay, and non-discretionary bonuses should be given to male and female employees equally. Other benefits like work pensions, health insurance access, and company cars are also protected.

The following infographic will help you understand all the aspects of the Equal Pay Act that you need to know.

Infographic Designed By Lawyers&Business.com



Women's Business Club

By Women's Business Club

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