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Women's Business News

Empowering women to succeed in business

If you are in business of any kind, you will be all too aware that there are many things you need to be focused on in the online world if that business is to succeed. The truth is that this kind of online presence that you need to cultivate is hugely important if you are to succeed, and you need to make sure that you know what good online presence looks like – and what it might look like when it is not so good. In this post, we will focus on the negative by examining why it might be that a business’ online presence is not up to scratch. You will find that this is useful in trying to improve your own business’ online presence, and that doing so is likely to bring about great improvements in your business in general.

Your Page Ranking Is Too Low

Something that you’re going to need to think about here is the page ranking of your website’s home page, as it is one of the most reliable indicators of how well presented your business is online. As long as you have a high page ranking, you know that people are able to find your business online easily enough, and that this feeds into a more successful marketing campaign as well. But if your page ranking is too low, it is unlikely that your online presence is exactly as it should be. In that case, you will need to hire a local SEO service to ensure that your website is optimized for search engines, and to make sure in particular that your website appears in local searches. This is a good place to start, and it could make a huge difference to how well presented your business is online.

Your Social Media Feed Is Off-Brand

Whether or not to have an ongoing social media feed is a question for another day, but one thing here is certain: if you do have one, you need to make sure that it does not deviate from the brand one iota. This is important, as people need to be able to trust what you are putting forward online as much as anywhere else, and if you are not doing this then it is unlikely that you can expect the right kind of response from the public in general. Keep it on-brand and you will find that it is going to be a much more successful kind of digital marketing. You will also be able to expect it to work out more automatically for you in the future too.

The Content Is Outdated

On the internet, outdated content is like a curse. If you are not regularly updating your web pages and social media feeds with new and fresh content, it makes it much less likely that you are going to be able to keep your online presence looking its very best. As such, you should make sure that you are getting that content written or produced as frequently as you can, so that you can link build more effectively and keep your online presence looking generally alive.

By Women's Business Club

Women's Business Club empowers women to succeed in business through awards, conferences, business support membership, and news. Find out more at www.womensbusiness.club or send your press release [email protected]. Articles and adverts are chargeable, see media pack at www.womensbusiness.club/media-pack