There has been a lot of upheaval and changes to the way that we have worked this year. Thanks to the pandemic, home working has never been more popular. While there are a lot of great reasons to keep this way of working the new normal, so many people are itching to get back to their office environments – and we don’t blame them at all! You want your team to be productive in your business, and you want those working in your office to be happy and relaxed while they work. Finding ways to motivate your staff is so much harder when they’re not in the office with you, and it’s far harder to go for that collaborative way of working when everyone is working various hours behind a screen.BE
Many people believe that the best thing to do is – as soon as it’s safe to do so – to go back to the office once again. Whether you are renting a BE Offices space or you have an office building that you’re currently paying rent on, you need to choose a space for those that want to go back to the office – and you need to make it a good one! Your staff deserves to feel included and they could benefit from a more sociable environment all round. So, if you are looking to learn the benefits to your staff to come back to the office, take a look at this infographic below! You’ll be able to better understand the statistics so that when the conversation about the office comes up again, you’ll be armed with positive information to give to your team. Check it out:
Infographic Design By BE Offices