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Women's Business News

Empowering women to succeed in business

Going Beyond the Bio: How to Get Known In Your Industry


Whilst I love my business being known, I equally value being recognised as the person behind it. Being an accessible and visible figure does wonders for getting known in your industry, and really allows for long lasting connections to elevate your business.

I noticed that there’s a gap in the market for providing this service, as a lot of business owners don’t even know where to begin.

Whilst my company Moja is designed to specifically tackle this, we have also created a podcast to share some of this wisdom.

‘Beyond the Bio’ is our weekly podcast that provides a “How To” guide to raise your profile. Joined by industry expert guests, we delve into topics such as awards, networking, PR and pretty much all of the foundations you’ll need to start getting known.

Here’s a taster of a few of our recent episodes:

Leveraging Local Press

YouTube’s £2M Video

How TV Catapulted My Profile

TEDx: From Idea to Spotlight

I have personally achieved recognition in my own industry, and these tips have been tried and tested. Beyond the Bio provides you with the building blocks to start getting the recognition you deserve.

To check out Beyond the Bio:

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/za/podcast/beyond-the-bio/id1699432408

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/20B5Ia5bsOL01Fm2Sg0KOd

For information on Moja:


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